a white background with a few lines on it

Tik Tok, c’mon!

In 1960, when Rafael laid the first stone of his village, Italian television broadcasts one single channel, channel one precisely. In 1961 channels broadcasted become two, followed very shortly by Italian Swiss Television. Since 1971, the new black is receiving at home channels one, two, Switzerland and Koper, strictly in this order.

Stars and Vips are seen only at the movie, while television invents new ones: it's Mike Bongiorno's era, and those who take part in his quizzes enter the collective imagination: even today almost everyone knows who Mrs. Longari is, even if they have never seen her. Seated incognito in the small square, Rafael's aristocratic friends follow one another, seduced by his visionary project among Gallura's rocks. They are slowly joined by famous actors, photographers and stylists, industrialists, in short most prominent society, protected by sobriety and discretion typical of the place. In Porto Rafael, anonymity is almost a second motto, a subtitle to add after Rafael's most-known one "Dreaming is living", which could sound like: "Living in peace is a dream". Here understatement is ensured: in nearby Palau there is just one cinema, no theaters, and at the newsstand only few newspapers. It will take at least twenty years to possess the gift of ubiquity, through which contemporary myths multiply themselves as mushrooms, thanks to the hundreds of movies, episodic series, entertainment programs and more, due to commercial TVs explosion since the end of the 70s onwards (reached with likewise force by radio stations,  ushering in no border music era). While Rafael lazily prepares sangria to offer to his guests on his birthday, with only one payphone near the perfumery, in Porto Rafael, as elsewhere in the world, first cell phones establishe a point of no return, opening up perspectives on the future unimaginable up to that  moment.

Famous people own encrypted phone numbers, their friends difficult to access numbers, friends of friends have no cell phones at all, because at that time a phone call costs like a dinner for six at La Gritta restaurant. Extramarital affairs have new underground tools, not only opportunity to talk freely wherever you are, but also to send passionate messages which replace love cards, letters and even emails, hidden in cumbersome computers, too complicated to carry to the beach. However it takes so much time to type "Let's meet at 4pm, same place", that  text is ready by 3.59pm and  appointment regularly goes up in smoke.

Rafael did not imagine what tomorrow would hold only thirty years later. The old sense of gratitude, after founding a phone token, discovering you own the exact amount to buy it from a stranger; dinners with the couple of friends with the only big screen in all Porto Rafael, to see previous year's blockbuster movie; hundreds holiday pictures to develop when back home; the emotional bewilderment after getting lost by car among dirt roads and not having the faintest idea of where you are; the sense of fullness for being in Porto Rafael and not wishing to be simultaneously elsewhere... all this no longer exists. If now we expect a rhetorical celebration of the past, we all would fall short of the writing in huge letters with the Consortium, welcomes today consortium members and their friends: "The best is yet to come" .

At a time when the mobile does everything, even lighting in the night; in which we all pretend to be famous, filmed and photographed at all hours; where we all have becomed opinion leaders, journalists, politicians, influencers hunting for an emoticon; exactly right now, we are witnessing such a revolutionary social phenomena, that maybe it's worth to question humbly why our posts receive an average of 12 likes, while there is a young Italian boy who is the most followed tik toker in the world. This is the new magic, the new frontier of mystery: better to give up and see how it ends.

P.S. From Porto Rafael you can easily reach the small town of Domus De Maria, a beautiful excursion by car looking for Daniele Cabras, the very famous and funny Sardinian tik toker
, with two million followers.

A pleasure: if you find him, could you please take him a picture holding Villa Aidan brochure? You don't mind, do you?


Porto Rafael Real Estate Blog

October 6, 2024
Porto Pollo: The Surfers' Paradise in Sardinia
By Danielle Sassoon March 20, 2023
If after an intense day at the beach you feel nostalgic for the old farmhouse in central Italy where you used to spend summer, and you feel like sipping the excellent wine your grandfather used to get, never been able to drink elsewhere; if today you wish to sit once more under your figs, listening the farmer saying anecdotes about your family, even if always the same and repeated hundreds times; in short, if you would like to swap perfect sunset which stands now in front of Villa Aidan with a less performing sun, when it intertwines with trees and breaks behind the hills, releasing long and shady twilights; well, do not abandon the island. It is our duty to inform you that the farmhouse of your childhood is now surrounded by anonymous residential complexes delimiting city boundaries, which are now close and looming.
By Danielle Sassoon February 17, 2023
Winter, as we know, makes us melancholy. Holidays are a distant memory, and even more distant seems the flight to some beach where forget cold. Among the ones more eager there is a person we’ll call The Type: woman, around 45 years old, living on the continent in an industrialized town. She is married or separated, has two children or none, works in a communication agency or volunteers. She would like to be now on a boat, but the only possible crossing in these gloomy hours is the one navigable on search engines. Her smartphone is waiting for a simple gesture of her fingers to sail anywhere, but today she doesn't feel like pulling up even the anchor of her virtual sea. Maybe is this thick and thin rain, or the night outside despite it's just 5pm. She feels a hundred years old. She types the word "old age" on the phone with the same ambiguous curiosity one may have for a scary movie. First link appears on the screen, and at the same time a stairlift advertisement starts, in which a happy old lady transports
a beach with rocks and trees and a blue sky
By Danielle Sassoon February 17, 2023
Infrequently, but it does happen, in Porto Rafael people complain about Sardinians, blamed for every single hitch. Owners and tenants when meeting occasionally at the market - one of the best in the area, with an excellent selection of products aimed at Italians and foreigns - by glances and half-words make an appointment at Harry's Bar outside, to talk freely far from the ears of the three market owners: Grazietta, Ilaria and Giulia. Once the shopping is over, while Ilaria has just finished advising an uncertain English lady on the best oil to buy, here come vacationers by groups of two or three, go ordering a cappuccino to Diego (over which there would also be a lot to say, but he is from Rome, and for the moment he will be spared).
By Danielle Sassoon January 3, 2023
If you too have been scolded all your life for having your "head in the clouds", and always been exhorted to remain firmly planted on ground and walk quickly towards objectives reachebles only with shoes on your feet, in Porto Rafael you can finally free yourself from ballasts, slowly lifting you up, while an unexpected panorama of life, shapes and colors opens up above and below you. A few inches from ground, when just started your timid ascent, like children disobeying their strict preceptors, you are likely to narrowly miss the head of a cormorant coming out of the sea, with a small fish in his beak, before he resumes his taut flight along water. Funny mix of terrestrial and aquatic nature, cormorant prefers sheltered seas, avoids deep waters even when close to the mainland and rarely moves away from shores. It spends a lot of time on land, perched on rocks, cliffs, sandbars, shipwrecks, poles or bare trees. So don't be offended if he just bless your journey with a long questioning look: he is bar
By Danielle Sassoon December 15, 2022
If you suffer thalassophobia and for this reason shun sea destinations (a fortiori the islands, Sardinia included), but still not disdain idea of cooling off during hottest summer days, from Porto Rafael you can take a reinvigorating excursion along paths and creeks of sweet waters. Over ninety waterways cross Sardinia, among which Tirso, Flumendosa, Coghinas, Cedrino and Taloro rivers.
a group of people are toasting with wine glasses
By Danielle Sassoon February 27, 2020
Going out to dinner in Porto Rafael is a pleasant alternative to dinners at home, from where you hardly want to go out, but some addresses are really valid for deciding to close the kitchen or to give your private chef a free evening, always assuming he is not taking it personally.
Porto Rafael the other Coast
By Danielle Sassoon February 26, 2020
Even today, for many, Costa Smeralda represents almost everything that is known about Sardinia: Porto Cervo and its coast continue to gather an uninterrupted consensus, which in the long run has made these places very similar to many other so-called elitist destinations, which bended to the globalization of luxury. If it were not for the different landscape details - a sea of rocks, wide sandy beaches, marble quarries, expanses of hills or mountains around - today it is almost impossible to recognize where you are spending a holiday: however far you go the sad surprise, even at the end of the world, is to feel precipitated in a big shopping center, or in the hall of a seven, eight, one hundred star hotel, but identical to a thousand others, with a string of boutiques, jewelereries and shops that could be found everywhere, that are found everywhere.
What to do in Porto Rafael
By Danielle Sassoon January 24, 2020
Discover What to do in Porto Rafael
Porto Rafael, the dream
By Danielle Sassoon January 24, 2020
Porto Rafael, the dream
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